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"We exist to see revival and awakening touch a nation and set a generation ablaze for Jesus"
Our aim is to see County Cork saturated with the presence of God through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for the area to be 'filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.' (Habakkuk 2:14) We want every person to experience the joy of walking through life with the resurrected Jesus. God is doing great things in Ireland and He is raising up a generation of people who are building a house of prayer in the spirit of the tablenacle of David. We’re honoured to be pursing this with the others in Cork from various churches and ministries; uniting for His glory and the advance of His Kingdom
Monthly Partnership
We'd love to have you as one of our monthly partners and we're blessed that you'd consider regularly sowing into this ministry. We value everyone who partners with us and recognise that those who join with us at any level share in the fruit of all the ministry that takes place. Every life that is impacted--every person that for the first time receives the love of God through Jesus, every broken heart that is healed, every deliverance from the bondage of sin or the oppression of satan and every person who enters into the fulness of life that comes from abiding in Jesus--is not only impacted through us on the field but also through you.
Thank you.