Here are some free .mp3 downloads of some of the songs we’ve written and recorded. Just click on the album/song cover and your download will start automatically.
Lift Up Your Heads
A beautiful song written by our daughter, Elisabeth. It’s a song welcoming everyone to come and be made whole and receive life from God because of Jesus coming to earth as a baby.
Back in September 2004, I had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit that absolutely changed my life. I was already writing songs but as you can imagine, it's impossible to have a life-changing experience with God and it not impact every area of life--including your song writing. As we approached the Christmas season that year, I was again impacted by the sheer wonder of the incarnation as I sat in His presence. This led to worship, which led to the birthing of this song. I wept while I wrote it. And, 13 years later when I recorded it, I wept again just about every time I worked on it (at least a month long process). I sincerely pray that you are moved to tearful worship as you listen and contemplate with me that "He came not to condemn, but to save."
I love it when God speaks. I love when He breaks in on our consciousness and reveals things to us that we need to know and that help us. The two inner areas of our lives and our thinking that are most influential in shaping us are our perception of who God is and what He is like and our perception of who we are and what He thinks and feels about us. This is a song from the Lord to us, and carries in it a message that will help us get a clearer perception of both.
This song was written during one of my devotional times with the Lord. He began to give me the words and both Jennifer and I knew that this was a song from the Lord meant to be sung to a good friend of ours. I did sing it for this friend at the next Bible study he came to in our home here in Ireland. But the song was not exclusively for him, it's also for all people everywhere and it echoes many words that Jesus spoke when he walked the earth. I pray it's a blessing to you and that you drink deeply of His living water.
What if Jesus Never Came
In 2012, I found myself (around Christmas time) contemplating what it would be like if God never sent Jesus. Then one day, words began forming in my heart around this idea that matched some music I’d written a few years before. It’s a song that begins in a very reflective and almost sorrowful way, but concludes in a contrastingly celebratory mood. Enjoy and rejoice with me that God chose to come after us and not leave us in our darkness and aloneness.
Cry of a Generation
I wrote the chorus to this song in the summer of 2014. I had just listened to a teaching in which the speaker told many radical stories of supernatural encounters and, to be honest, I was skeptical. But the Holy Spirit whispered something like this to me: How come you say you believe all of these radical things that are in the Bible but doubt it when someone reports that they're experiencing them now? This question really challenged me and I began to cry out to Him to rid me of skepticism and help me not miss out what He's doing in the day and age in which I live. I picked up my guitar and after a few minutes of waiting on Him the song began to gush out of me...I don't want to stand on the outside looking in--I want to come closer, I want to dive deeper. I don't want to hear the stories told and never live them--I want to be nearer, I want to see clearer.
The verse of the song came a few months later, right before my family and I moved over to Ireland.
Into the Promise
The first track off Rebuilding Ancient Ruins, an album I recorded back in 2007. This song was written in a time of hardship, when nothing seemed to be going right. Ever felt that way? That's the time to press on and press in; the time to renew our resolve to totally trust the Lord. Circumstances don't determine our destiny, that honour belongs only to Jesus as we place our lives in His hands.